Let me guess: 

Writing your opt-in offer (also known as an IFO or lead magnet) has been on your to-do list for ages … and it doesn’t look like it’s coming off anytime soon.  

OR — you’ve already created your own opt-in offer, slaving away trying to fit all your specialized travel knowledge into a two-page free guide. And all you’ve got to show for it is a handful of sign ups (and close-to-zero new clients).  

You wonder: Is the opt-in offer really the list-building, client-attracting piece of marketing magic it’s cracked up to be? 

Short answer: You bet.  

Long answer: Yes … when you approach your offer with a strategic plan, a pocketful of tried-and-true copywriting tricks, and a real desire to give MASSIVE value to your prospects. 

Ready to rock and roll?  

Introducing: Bon Vivant Copy’s Complete Opt-In Offer Package

Get Your Own Custom Irresistible Free Offer and Email Follow Up Campaign to Capture New Leads and Turn Them Into DREAM Clients

Your opt-in offer isn’t just a long-form blog post you plop on your website and hope the sign ups roll in. 

It’s a strategic cornerstone of your marketing efforts.  

With a well-designed offer and follow up email campaign, you can: 

  • Convert prospects from bridal shows and trades shows into clients quickly (instead of having them linger on your list for years) 
  • Increase your open rates on your e-newsletter — your new subscribers can’t wait to hear from you 
  • Position yourself as the go-to expert in your travel specialty … prepare to get referrals from folks who haven’t even worked with you yet 
  • Create powerful relationships with your new subscribers, just over email (one of the lowest cost ways to market) 
  • Stuff your email list FULL of ideal prospects, who crave the exact travel medicine you deliver 

Wish you could get all that in a done-for-you way to turbo-charge your travel agent marketing? 

Then you need the Complete Opt-In Offer Package from BVC. 

4 (Done-for-You) Steps to an Offer and Follow Up Campaign That Ignites and Engages Your List

Here’s what happens when you sign up for the Complete Opt-In Offer Package:


We’ll hop on a call together to map out your ideal offer. I’ll pull out your brilliance as a travel pro and spin it into a totally unique-to-you content piece that will capture your prospects’ attention (and their email addresses!). 


By which I mean — *I'll* write your opt-in offer ;) I’ll get to work crafting your offer of approx. 1,000 words, delivered hot n’ fresh in a Google Doc. This includes a round of revisions to make sure you’re totally in love with your new client-attracting content. 


This is my *favorite* part of the process — mapping out and writing an email follow up campaign that speaks right to the heart of your new subscribers’ desires. You’ll get a emotionally resonate email campaign of four to five emails, approx. 300-400 words each. 


I’ll hook you up with everything you need, copy-wise, to set up your opt-in offer and start capturing email addresses — that includes copy for your landing page, thank you page, and enticing subject lines for all your follow up emails. 

“I asked Emily to assist with crafting my follow-up email campaign for a recent Breast Cancer Awareness conference I attended and exhibited at. I love Emily; she spent time getting to know what the conference was about, why I was exhibiting, and then my goals for the follow-up campaign.  

Emily was right on target with crafting my voice and my message — eloquent, succinct, and touching the heart of survivors! Since starting the email campaign a few days ago, I’ve already had two inquiries for upcoming trips plus requests to join Savor Life Society, my closed Facebook group to help survivors thrive.” 

— Debra Harris, Life's Journey Travel

Start Building Your List of Dream Travel Clients Now

Cost of the Complete Opt-In Offer Package: $995 

Just click the button below to schedule a time to chat if you're interested in the package. Get any and all of your questions answered on this complimentary consultation call!

Book Your Call!

*Payment plan available, for no additional cost: 2 payments of $497.50. 

Is the Complete Opt-In Offer Package Right for You?

Not everybody can handle the total package … ;) 

Feel free to “x” out now if: 

  • You want your new opt-in offer to magically attract new subscribers (without putting in the work). Unfortunately, opt-in offers don’t contain “magic wand” properties. I’ll create all the copy for your offer, follow up campaign, and other missing pieces — but you still have to market it. If you’re not sure where to start, though, we can definitely talk strategy on our kick-off call!
  • Your current opt-in offer is already pulling in a steady stream of subscribers. Awesome! Then keep doing what you’re doing, or just send me an email to see how we can work on an email follow up campaign for you to further engage your hungry (for content) new subscribers. 
  • You’re not willing to invest in the tools you need to set up your offer the right way. While I provide the copy, your opt-in offer still needs to be formatted well, and you’ll need an autoresponder system (like Mail Chimp or iContact) to set up your landing page and follow up campaign. These costs aren’t large, but you will have to invest in them for your offer to actually snag sign ups. 

Start Building Your List of Dream Travel Clients Now

Cost of the Complete IFO Package: $995  

Just click the button below to schedule a time to chat if you're interested in the package. Get any and all of your questions answered on this complimentary consultation call!


Email: Emily@BonVivantCopy.com

 Emily Matras Creative LLC DBA Bon Vivant Copy ©2021