Yesterday, instead of working on client copy, I was working on a project for myself.
I was putting together a sign up page for a training I’ll be hosting soon, teaching travel agents how to write client-attracting websites.
To entice folks to sign up, I wanted to tease the content of the training — and make it really juicy.
Here’s one of the lines from the sign up page:
On this free training, you’ll discover the surprising mindset shift that will make writing your website copy effortless … even if you’re “not a good writer.”
Now, I am most definitely tooting my own horn here, but that’s a darn good line of copy.
Why does it work?
It all comes down to two little words: even if.
We’ll call it the “even if” trick.
It’s an effective copywriting tool because it overcomes your readers’ objections.
It says: “I know you’re up against some BIG forces that are preventing you from achieving what you want to. I get that — but with my help, you CAN achieve them.”
Good news: You can use this trick in your own copy, too!
How to Use the “Even If” Trick in Your Travel Agent Marketing
To use the “even if” trick, you have to first tap into your ideal clients’ pain points.
A common pain point is time. There’s never enough of it, right?
So clients turn to you, in part, because they don’t have time to plan a vacation themselves!
Couples planning honeymoons are especially pressed for time — because they’re planning a wedding too.
So, for a honeymoon specialist, the “even if” trick may look like:
Jet off on your dream honeymoon … even if you don’t have the time to book your plane ticket!
What if you’re trying to sell an escorted tour? Who might that appeal to?
Probably travelers who want to see the world, but are a little intimidated to do it all by themselves.
There’s an “even if” trick for that: Immerse yourself in incredible local culture … even if you don’t know a lick of the local language!
See how it works?
Come up with a few “even if” clauses tailored for your own audience, then sprinkle them into your copy. I think they work especially well on your services page.
With a single line, you can communicate so much: That you absolutely get what your prospects are going through — and that you’re able to help them despite their biggest concerns.
Pretty powerful stuff.