You’ve probably heard the phrase “people do business with those they know, like, and trust.” Which is why, if you went up to a random stranger on the street and asked them if they’d like you to plan their vacation, they’d give you some major side eye (and probably back away slowly …). They don’t know, like, and trust you — so they’re certainly not going to do business with you! But did you know that the “know, like, and trust” principle also applies to your website? I see service … read more
How to Make Your Travel Agent Website Copy Crystal Clear
Good travel agent website copy should check a lot of boxes. Sparkling with brand personality? Check. Speaks your ideal client’s language? Check. Contains powerful calls-to-action? Check. Check. Check. Check. But none of these copy “musts” should come at the sake of the most important copy rule of all: Clarity. If your travel agent website copy doesn’t make sense — or you just take foreverrrr to get to the point — your web visitors are going to click away real fast. Nobody has time to “read between the lines” on the … read more
Why “Being Yourself” Is a Smart Business Move
Ah, how time flies. Just a year ago, I was moving out of my first D.C. apartment, packing my bags for a two-month stay in Europe, and …. preparing to launch Bon Vivant Copy! Yep, my copywriting baby is turning one! I’ve learned a lot since then. Like, DON’T leave client copy projects for Friday afternoons. My eyes glaze over completely once 2 pm hits … But probably the biggest business lesson I’ve learned since launching is: It’s hard to separate the personal and the professional … so don’t fight … read more
Meet the Winners: My Top 5 Highest Performing Subject Lines of the Past Year (and the Top 3 Duds)
Well how do you like them cinnamon-sprinkled apples. I’ve been sending out my Weekly Tip email (almost) without fail for TWO WHOLE YEARS now. Apparently, I have a lot to say about travel agent marketing! So, since another year has gone by, I think it’s time for my annual round up of my top performing subject lines. The ones you guys couldn’t stop clicking on. I’ve rounded up the top 5, according to open rates — i.e. the percentage of my email list that opened the email — and we’re counting down … read more
Here’s Why Your Travel Certifications Don’t Matter (at Least How You Think)
Okay, yes, that’s a pretty bold headline. Who am I to say your certifications don’t matter? I KNOW you spend a lot of time and energy earning them, and I know they make you a better travel agent as well. Here’s what I mean by “your travel certifications don’t matter”: They don’t matter in the way that you think. You might think that your clients decide to work with you based on your certifications. You assume their thought process goes something like this: Oh, Nancy is a Certified Tahiti Specialist — she must be the … read more
Grow Your Audience Through Guest Posting [Email Template]
I got an email from a client the other day (hi, Stephenie!). She had a dilemma. She created an awesome new opt-in offer (also known as an IFO or lead magnet) to build her online list of travel leads. But … she wasn’t exactly sure how to get her prospects to sign up for the thing. She’s not getting a ton of traffic to her website or social media channels yet. And the thought of running FB ads makes her head spin. Did I have any suggestions on how to get her … read more
5 “Secret” Marketing Tactics Travel Agents Aren’t Using
“When they zig, you zag.” This is one of my favorite marketing mantras. It’s simple — but brilliant. And all it means is: When everyone else is doing the same thing — posting on FB, snapping pics on Instagram, maybe sending out a monthly e-newsletter — it pays to do something different. You’ll stand out in a BIG way. And you’ll have less competition as you do it! So, in the interest of helping you ZAG, here are 5 travel agency marketing ideas that I see few — if any … read more
The Truth About Your “Free” Travel Agent Website
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Like: that free travel agent website you got when you joined your host agency. “Free” is good, right? Well, not if “free” just gets you freebie seekers, price shoppers, and tire kickers in return. And that’s what most of those free, out-of-the-box travel agent websites attract. Why? I think there are two BIG reasons: 1) These travel agent websites say they are “branded” — but they’re not built around your brand. How could they be, when every agent at the … read more
How to Use an Online Quiz to Get More Travel Clients
A healthy travel business is a growing travel business. That’s why, even if you have a solid base of repeat clients (but especially if you don’t), it’s so important to be thinking about ways to build your list of leads. No doubt about it, though, this becomes harder to do when you work from home, as many travel pros do today. Instead of relying on foot traffic coming in to your storefront agency — you have to drum up digital traffic online. One of the best ways to do that is with … read more
Your Travel Agency Brand Personality: Making Your Travel Biz Totally Magnetic
A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post all about travel agency branding — particularly your travel agency brand personality. Your brand personality is the set of characteristics prescribed to your travel business brand. Developing a magnetic brand personality can help you attract your ideal clients and inject some life into your marketing copy. After all, no one wants to work with a lifeless, boring, corporate-sounding travel company! But how do you decide what your brand personality should be? Well, I know a lot of travel agents work for … read more