In my last blog post, I revealed the biggest reason why most travel agents are not getting leads from their websites: They’re simply not sending enough traffic to their websites.
Now maybe that’s not you.
Or maybe, you took that message to heart and are planning out a traffic-building strategy for the rest of the year.
Which means—now it’s time to make sure your website is ready to welcome your new visitors!
Because it doesn’t matter how many folks actually land on your website if your copy is a total turn off.
So, I pulled together my Top 5 Copy Conversion Killers. If you’re committing one or more of these mistakes, it’s costing you clients!
The Top 5 Copy Conversion Killers for Travel Agent Websites
1) Not matching the message.
It’s SUPER important to think about where your web visitors are coming from—so you can be sure that you’re “matching the message” of the content that led them to your site.
For example, if you’ve been posting all over social media about destination weddings and honeymoons, but when someone clicks through to your website’s homepage and doesn’t read a single word about romance travel … that’s a message mismatch. And that will drive web visitors away.
2) Skimping out on CTAs (calls to action).
The simple truth is that we’re more likely to do something if you TELL us to do it. And that’s especially true online, where we’re confronted with so many options that we get confused into inaction. Never leave your web visitor thinking, “okay, what do I do next?”
If you want them to reach out to schedule a consultation call, TELL THEM. If you want them to click through and explore your services page, TELL THEM. You should be telling your web visitor what to do next on every single page of your website.
3) Assuming everyone who lands on your website is ready to talk/book with you.
You may have heard this before: People typically need 10 touches before they’re ready to buy. This is probably a BIG reason why your web traffic isn’t converting—they’re just not comfortable enough with you yet. They may be checking out your website for the very first time, and the best CTA in the world isn’t going to get them to contact you so early in the game.
That’s why you need to be capturing these leads on your website with an opt-in offer (like a free guide of some sort), so you can start building a relationship with them through an email campaign. You’ll get to 10 touches much quicker this way than waiting for someone to visit your website 10 times 😉
4) Making your copy hard to read.
There are lots of ways to make your website an extremely unpleasant reading experience—font that’s so small it makes you squint, long paragraphs that drone on and on, big blocks of texts that aren’t introduced with headlines and subheads, text that is centered on your website when it shouldn’t be, text written in ALL CAPS or Sentence Case for no good reason … I could go on.
Web visitors aren’t going to stick around and slog through copy that’s an affront to their eyes. Take a good hard look at your copy and make sure you’re creating an enjoyable, effortless reading experience.
5) Poor design.
Yeah, this isn’t a copy reason—but the truth is that copy and design must work together. If your website looks like it’s was built way back in the Internet Stone Age of the 1990’s, you’re going to have trouble converting your web visitors into clients—great copy just can’t save you. Although, I’m willing to bet, if you’ve got an outdated website, you’ve got outdated copy too … copy that’s not written according to conversion principles and that doesn’t do much to differentiate you from the competition.
Go through your website with an eye toward these copy sins. And be honest, which ones are you committing? Because if you fix them, I promise, your website leads will soar.